Child Support DED Record

CCD+ and CTX Addenda Record
Field Data Element Name Field Inclusion Requirement Contents Length Position
1Record Type CodeMandatory7101-01
2Addenda Type CodeMandatory05202-03
3Payment Related InformationOptionalAlphanumeric8004-83
4Addenda Sequence NumberMandatoryNumeric484-87
5Entry Detail Sequence NumberMandatoryNumeric788-94

The 80 position Payment Related Information Field of the CCD+ and CTX Addenda Record contains the child support remittance information. This is presented in the banking convention referred to as the ‘DED’ Deduction data segment under ASC X12 syntax.
DED Child Support Segment/Convention for Employers
Element Identifier Data Element Definition Field Inclusion Requirement Contents Length
 Segment IdentifierMandatoryDED3
DED01Application IdentifierMandatoryCS2
DED02Case IdentifierMandatoryAlphanumeric1-20
DED03Pay DateMandatoryYYMMDD6
DED04Payment AmountMandatory$$$$$$$$cc1-10
DED05Employee Social Security NumberMandatoryAlphanumeric9
DED06Medical Support IndicatorMandatoryY or N or W1
DED07Employee NameOptionalAlphanumeric1-10
DED08FIPS CodeOptionalAlphanumeric5-7
DED09Employment Termination IndicatorOptionalY1

Data Element Definitions –
DED01 – Application Identifier: This indicates the type of deduction being withheld from the employee’s pay. ‘CS’ is child support.
DED02 – Case Identifier: This indicates the child support case number of the state agency receiving the payment.
DED03 – Pay Date: This can be the employee’s pay date or the date of the income withholding. Note: This is the only data element of the DED record that is different in CCD+ and CTX. For CTX, versions 4010 or higher, this field must be 8 bytes long and the contents must be YYYYMMDD.
DED04 – Payment Amount: The amount of child support withheld from the employee’s pay. Do not use a comma or decimal point. Do not leave blanks in this data element. Any blank spaces before the dollar amount must be zero-filled.
DED05 – Employee’s Social Security Number: The employee’s (non-custodial parent’s) social security number.
DED06 – Medical Support Indicator: If family medical insurance coverage is available through the employer, a ‘Y’ is used; if there is no coverage available, an ‘N’ is used. ‘W’ designates ‘Not Applicable’.
DED07 – Employee Name: The name element indicates the first seven letters of the employee’s last name followed by the first three letters of his/her first name. A comma must be used to separate the last name from the first name when the last name is less than seven characters.
DED08 – FIPS Code: The Federal Information Process Standard (FIPS) code refers to the child support agency receiving the payment. It is five characters when indicating both the state and county codes. It is seven characters when indicating state, county, and local codes.
DED09 – Employment Termination Indicator: A “Y” is placed in this field if the employee has terminated employment; otherwise the field is not used. The payment amount field may contain zero when this field is used.
In the DED segment, each data element (except the first) is preceded by an asterisk (*). Each segment must end with a backslash (\). For example:
DED*application identifier*case identifier*pay date*payment amount*employee social security number*medical support indicator*employee name*FIPS code*employment termination indicator\
The omission of an optional data element is noted with an asterisk in the place of that element. For example, if the employee name were omitted:
DED*application identifier*case identifier*pay date*payment amount*employee social security number*medical support indicator**FIPS code*employment termination indicator\
IMPORTANT: If the omitted data element is the last one, the employment termination indicator, an asterisk does not take its place:
DED*application identifier*case identifier*pay date*payment amount*employee social security number*medical support indicator*employee name*FIPS code\
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